Friday, August 15, 2014

Pounding activity

Pounding activity

In Thailand and throughout South-East Asia   – Som tum (green papaya salad) is a classic Thai dish, made from pounding the ingredients using the mortar and pestle. In our Montessori converted classrooms we included this Practical life activity to train the children fine motor skills, concentrate and master the skill of pounding. We began by collecting so many eggshells, rinsed and dried them and brought them to our classrooms.  The children found this activity so exciting, and they all began bringing eggshells from home each day.  
Coordination and concentration
Scooping and transfering the eggshell content
The children enjoy smashing eggshells carefully without dropping any bits! For most of them this is Som tum pounding as they imitated their parents. Later, they use a spoon to transfer the content into a bowl which they extend the activity to a perfect art work by gluing the grounded eggshell dust onto paper.
Likewise, the children sprinkle the egg dust into the flower pots in the classroom environment to enrich the soil.
Most children are familiar with the Practical life activities and are naturally drawn to them through their keen observations. The child watches and copies the parents perform these activities hence grow a desire to experience with them. For children, there is something unique and exciting about the tasks that adults consider ordinary.
These activities also provide the foundation for success in the Montessori classroom, and in addition the child to gain control in the coordination, build independence, self-esteem, increase concentration and adapt to his/her social society. Generally, these activities satisfy the child’s needs for meaningful activity and respond to the child’s special periods for development. (Sensitive periods).

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